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NEP/APNNE Annual Meeting and Virtual Happy Hour - May 28


Registration is closed

Join us on Thursday, May 28 for a special meeting! 

3:30pm-4:00pm NEP Annual Meeting (members only) 

All active NEP members are invited to the virtual annual meeting. We will review our budget, upcoming elections, and general updates. 

4:00pm-5:00pm Producing Online Content (open to all)

Join us for a discussion with staff members from The Hopkins Center at Dartmouth. Karen Henderson, program manager, Karina Sainz, associate producer, and Todd Campbell, production manager, share the process of producing Hop@Home. They'll discuss both programmatic and technological concerns for digital content, and best practices for your own organization. 

**Both sessions will utilize the same zoom link 

There will not be a virtual meeting on June 4 as we take a planned break. Please join us again on June 11, with more details to come! 

Join Zoom Meeting   

Meeting ID: 833 2481 0279 

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Meeting ID: 833 2481 0279  Find your local number:

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