Welcome to the NEP/APNNE Virtual meetings!
Please note the NEW TIME - 3pm EST
On July 9, we welcome Gwendolyn VanSant from Multicultural BRIDGE for the first in a series of workshops addressing cultural competency. Join us for an introductory conversation to learn more about the work of Multicultural BRIDGE, and what topics we can address in future workshops. We recognize increasing our cultural competencies is an on-going process, and look forward to learning and growing together.
If multiple people from the same organization plan to attend, please have each person register individually to ensure an accurate attendance number.
In advance of the meeting, we encourage you to view the following videos on Multicultural BRIDGE’s website, as part of the New Pathways series.
Jennifer Williams on "Building an Equitable Future: Weaving HR and Equity & Inclusion During and Post COVID-19"
Maria Sirois on “Courage: Building Resilience Under Stress”
Founded in 2007, Multicultural BRIDGE is a grassroots organization dedicated to advancing equity and justice by promoting cultural competence, positive psychology, and mutual understanding and acceptance. The organization acts as a catalyst for change through collaboration, education, training, dialogue, fellowship and advocacy. Find out more about BRIDGE’s work on their website.
Gwendolyn VanSant is a trainer & facilitator in diversity leadership, cultural competence and coalition building for justice and equity. She is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founding Director of Multicultural BRIDGE and contributes to several teams across the region to promote safety, equity and trust in communities and workplaces. Gwendolyn has worked with corporations, schools, colleges and universities, law enforcement, hospitals, teaching and leadership institutes, and more. In addition to designing cultural competence trainings, Gwendolyn is a frequent speaker and long-time activist deeply rooted in gender equity and positive psychology.

**NEW Time and Schedule - every other Thursday at 3pm**
Upcoming virtual meetings
Thursday, July 23 at 3pm
Thursday, August 6 at 3pm

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