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Cultural Competency with Multicultural BRIDGE

  • 4 Feb 2021
  • 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
  • Virtual


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Cultural Competency with Multicultural BRIDGE 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

2:30pm-3:45pm EST 

This event is the final of a series of virtual trainings with Multicultural BRIDGE addressing cultural competency. We welcome questions, suggestions, and other prompts in advance of the meeting, and plan to assess our efforts towards cultural competency, and how we can continue to move forward. 

In recent months, we have all engaged with equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility in both our personal and professional lives. There is still work to be done, and NEP looks to educational and community resources we can offer in the future as we continue to move forward in our work. 

For this session, we will discuss 

  1. What DEI strategies have you had success with?
  2. What barriers are you facing in your org?
  3. What can NEP do to hold ourselves accountable? 
  4. What other resources can NEP offer?

It is not necessary to have attended a past session with BRIDGE, and we encourage you to bring other members from your organization. Small breakout groups will be utilized in zoom. 

Founded in 2007, Multicultural BRIDGE is a grassroots organization dedicated to advancing equity and justice by promoting cultural competence, positive psychology, and mutual understanding and acceptance. The organization acts as a catalyst for change through collaboration, education, training, dialogue, fellowship and advocacy.

Gwendolyn VanSant is a trainer & facilitator in diversity leadership, cultural competence and coalition building for justice and equity. She is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founding Director of Multicultural BRIDGE and contributes to several teams across the region to promote safety, equity and trust in communities and workplaces. Gwendolyn has worked with corporations, schools, colleges and universities, law enforcement, hospitals, teaching and leadership institutes, and more.  In addition to designing cultural competence trainings, Gwendolyn is a frequent speaker and long-time activist deeply rooted in gender equity and positive psychology.

Upcoming Events 

What's NEST Programming Roundup - Thursday February 11 at 3pm EST 

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